Frankie B
Facebook Post
I absolutely LOVE ALL the fine products! I look forward to seeing all the lovely ladies at the Oceanside Sunset Market on Thursday nights! I think i bought just about everything they make! lol Although i was looking through the pics and noticed a few things i don't have! Keep Up the Good work!

Rebecca D
Facebook Post
I've been using Restore R on my hyper sensitive skin and I adore it! I'm no longer overly dry, and I feel like my face has stayed more consistent in texture since using it. Also, the body lotions are simply amazing, let alone the fact it's locally made. I'm a life customer now. Thank You

Sandi B.
Facebook Post
I bought the restore fade in Malibu this past summer at an art festival. Pretty much because the woman who was talking about it (sorry, I forgot your name!) was a good sales person and nice and I wanted to buy something. Surprise! It actually worked. I've had a brown spot on my nose forever- years- and I put this stuff on it everyday and it is almost completely gone! It also makes my skin feel good. I gave four stars, not five, because who would trust a five star rating these days? Really, it deserves five stars. Great stuff!